
Albert C. Claus, Ph.D.

Office: 315 Cudahy Science Building
Phone: 773.508.3547
Fax: 773.508.3534
E-mail: aclaus@luc.edu

Joined Loyola in 1960.

Dr. Claus is retired from full-time teaching, and was awarded Professor Emeritus in 2001.


  • B.S. (Honors, Phi Beta Kappa) Northwestern University (1952)
  • Ph.D. - California Institute of Technology (1958)
  • Post Doctoral Research Associate - Cal Tech 1958-59


  • College Physics and Astronomy

Dr. Claus is especially interested in energy, the environment and conservation.

Office: 315 Cudahy Science Building
Phone: 773.508.3547
Fax: 773.508.3534
E-mail: aclaus@luc.edu

Joined Loyola in 1960.

Dr. Claus is retired from full-time teaching, and was awarded Professor Emeritus in 2001.


  • B.S. (Honors, Phi Beta Kappa) Northwestern University (1952)
  • Ph.D. - California Institute of Technology (1958)
  • Post Doctoral Research Associate - Cal Tech 1958-59


  • College Physics and Astronomy

Dr. Claus is especially interested in energy, the environment and conservation.