Damen Spaces

The Damen Student Center offers a number of spaces ideal for meetings and events. The following spaces are available for programming:
Meeting Rooms (1st and 2nd Floors)
- DSC 114 - 15 guests
- DSC 213 - 10 guests
- DSC 214 - 20 guests
- DSC 216 - 22 guests
These rooms come as is and equipped with A/V.
Laptop computers for meetings and programs MUST be requested when the reservation request is submitted through the Campus Reservations web-viewer.
Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt, BVM Multi-Purpose Room (2nd Floor)
- Divisible into (2) separate rooms via air wall
- South Side Capacity: 250 (theater-style), 160 (banquet—66" tables)
- North Side Capacity: 200 (theater-style), 120 (banquet—66" tables)
- Total Capacity (both rooms): 470 (theater-style), 280 (banquet—66" tables)
- A/V built in both sides (screens, computers, wireless mic)
- 2 Podiums (south and north)
- Additional A/V: mics, etc.: upon request at the time on Campus Reservations web-viewer
Ireland's Sports Lounge:
- PRIVATE parties are NOT allowed
- Alcohol allowed (must be in addition to food, and ample non-alcoholic beverages)
- MUST contact Damen Student Center staff for all event inquiries (773.508.8770)