
No Show Fee

The Wellness Center wants to increase your access to services. Cancelling your appointment will make your unused time slot available to another student.

What is a no-show fee?

The Wellness Center has a "No Show" policy that will result in a $15 fee for no shows and late cancellations. Students who cancel their appointments at least three hours in advance will not be charged a fee. You will be charged a fee if you cancel your appointment late or do not show up for your appointment.

The Wellness Center is instituting this policy to improve access to services for students. When a student cancels an appointment with enough notice it allows this appointment time to be offered to another student and not be wasted.

No show fees that are unpaid after 3 weeks will be turned over to the Bursar’s Office with an additional $20 late payment charge.

What counts as a "no show/late cancellation"?

A no show is considered to be any scheduled appointment where the student:

  • Does not come in for the appointment at the scheduled time; or
  • Cancels the appointment less than 3 hours prior to the appointment or
  • Does not cancel by 7am the day of your appointment (for appointments scheduled from 8am-10:30 am).

How do I cancel my appointment to avoid a fee?

You can cancel your appointment by notifying the Wellness Center at least 3 hours before your appointment or by 7 a.m. the day of your appointment in the case of an appointment scheduled between 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. This can be done by:

  • Calling the Wellness Center and leaving a message at 773-508-8883
  • Cancel in person by coming into the Wellness
  • Cancel via web portal at wellness.luc.edu
    • Login to Open Communicator using your LOCUS ID/password
    • Click "appointment" on the left side toolbar
    • Click "Cancel appointment" under the appointment you wish to cancel

How will I know I am being charged a no show/ late cancellation fee?

You will receive three emails notifying you of the late fee. It is your responsibility to read your email. The Wellness Center will automatically reverse the charge for the first occurrence. An appeal must be filed after the first occurrence.

What if I feel like I was unfairly charged and I want to appeal the fee?

We understand that on a rare occasion there may be extenuating circumstances that prevent you from calling to canel ahead of time. If this is the case, please call the Wellness Center at 773.508.2530 and ask to speak to someone about your situation.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!