Health Topics Guide
Alcohol and Other Drugs
AOD Information
- Alcohol Overdose
- Illinois Liquor Control Commission: Laws, Penalties & Consequences
- Partnership to End Addiction
- Loyola Safety Net Coalition
- Loyola Online e-Checkup to go (Alcohol)
Support Groups
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Body Image
- National Women's Health Information Center- Body Image and Mental Health
- Ashlee Bennett, AThr @bodyimage_therapist (Instagram)
- Body Image Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, Signs
Breast & Testicular Self-Exam
Colds and the Flu
Depression and Bipolar Disorder
Eating Disorders
- National Eating Disorders Association
- National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
- National Alliance for Eating Disorders, @alliancefored (Instagram)
Grief & Loss
LGBTQIA Information and Services
- LUC Student Diversity & Multicultural Affairs
- LGBT National Help Center
- National LGBT Health Education Center
- Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
- Coming Out
- Howard Brown Health Center
- Center on Halsted
- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
- Gender Pronouns
- Lambda Legal- Transgender Rights Toolkit
Mental Health (General)
Organ, Tissue, and Blood Donation
Physical Fitness
Pregnancy Services
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Skin Care
- National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases- Acne
- American Academy of Dermatology
- Michelle Henry, MD FAAD, @drmichellehenry (Instagram)
- National Sleep Foundation
- Sleep 101
- Dr. Amy M. Bender, @sleep4sport (Instagram)
- Sleep Tips: 6 Steps to Better Sleep