
Health Promotion


Some people think they are healthy if they are not sick. But health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.[1]


Wellness is a broader term that considers the cultural, physical, spiritual, social, vocational, intellectual, environmental, and emotional aspects of life. Achieving wellness is not about an individual simply making healthy choices.  It involves understanding how interpersonal, organizational, communal, and societal factors can impact the individual’s wellness.  

Health Promotion

Health Promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health and wellness.[2] Health promotion activities can include prevention programming, awareness campaigns, or response services.

Health Promotion at Loyola University Chicago

While a team of health educators work at the Wellness Center, departments across campus deliver programs and resources that benefit your wellness. Within the Wellness Center, we offer programming that focuses on gender-based violence, alcohol and other drugs, resilience and coping skills, and nutrition.

Gender-Based Violence

Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates

Active Bystander Training

Advocacy Services


Alcohol and Other Drugs


Wellness Advocates

Resilience and Coping Skills

Mindfulness Meditation

Ashlar the Therapy Dog

