William Byrd Celebration: November 3-19 2023

Loyola University marks the 400th anniversary of William Byrd’s death through a series of lectures and performances. Regarded as one of the most important English composers of the Renaissance, Byrd was also a devout Catholic during a period that condemned Catholicism and its followers. With programs presented by guest artists and Loyola music students, this series outlines his fascinating life and musical output. This series is led by Professor Kirsten Hedegaard and the Department of Fine and Performing Arts with support from the Hank Center. Full Schedule Below.
These events are free and open to the public. Reservations are requested for individual events (see links below).
Friday, November 3
11:30 am
Mundelein Center for Fine and Performing Arts
Skowronski Music Hall
1032 W. Sheridan Road
Come Woeful Orpheus
Secular Music: Madrigals and Keyboard Music
Voices of Madonna with David Schrader, harpsichord
Free - Reservation Required
David Schrader, harpsicord
as performed by the Hilliard Ensemble
Tuesday, November 7
4:30 PM
Mundelein Center for Fine and Performing Arts
Skowronski Music Hall
1032 W. Sheridan Road
Unquiet Thoughts
Lute Songs of Dowland and Campion: Lecture and Masterclass
Brandon Acker, lute and theorbo with Loyola students
Free - Reservations Required
Brandon Acker, lute
Unquiet Thoughts by John Dowland
as performed by Grace Davidson, soprano and David Miller, lute
Wednesday, November 15
7:00 PM
Loyola University Museum of Art (LUMA)
3rd Floor Gallery featuring the D’Arcy Collection
820 N. Michigan Avenue
Byrd and Bard
Consort Music: Voice and Viols paired with readings by Shakespeare
Second City Musick: Phil Serna, Anna Steinhoff, Craig Trompeter, Russell Wagner
Kirsten Hedegaard, soprano; Tim Kane, actor
Free - Reservation Required
Tim Kane, actor
as performed by Tessa Bonner and Rose Consort of Viols
Sunday, November 19
1:30 PM
McCormick Lounge, Coffey Hall
1000 W. Sheridan Road (enter on north side of Coffey Hall)
William Byrd: Catholic Stalwart
Panel on Elizabethan politics, artistic patronage, and Byrd as composer and Catholic
Panelists: Dr. Robert Bucholz, Dr. Colin Holman, Dr. Kirsten Hedegaard
Free - Reservation Required
3:00 PM
Madonna della Strada Chapel
6453 N. Kenmore Avenue
Sing Joyfully!
Sacred Music: Mass for Four Voices and Motets
Loyola Ignatian Voices and Voices of Madonna, Kirsten Hedegaard, conductor
Free - Reservation Required for a headcount
Kirsten Hedegaard, conductor
as performed by the Tallis Scholars