
The Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage offers a variety of conferences as platforms for the exposition and interchange of ideas by specialists in their own field.‌

  • Catholic Studies Consortium, Annual Meeting, Seton Hall University

    September 5–7, 2024
    Seton Hall University

    The Catholic Studies Consortium grew out of a small network of Catholic Studies scholars seeking to be a resource to each other and the growing movement of Centers and Programs in the country. As a movement that explicitly aspires to such an integral and integrating education, Catholic Studies has a vital role to play in the future of Catholic higher education and seeks to cultivate growth of students in the fullness of their being and the integration of knowledge in every discipline and realm of study. The Hank Center is proud to serve on the leadership team of the CS Consortium and provide support for its exciting, needed endeavors.
  • Peter Maurin Conference

    September 6-7, 2024
    St. Gregory the Great Church

    The Catholic Worker, founded by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in 1933, is network of communities committed to nonviolence, voluntary poverty, prayer, and hospitality for the homeless, exiled, hungry, and forsaken. This day-long gathering will look closely at the life and work of Peter Maurin. His program of action consisted of roundtable discussions for the clarification of thought, houses of hospitality where the works of mercy could be performed, and agronomic universities-a return to working the land, where workers could become scholars and scholars workers. These topics will be discussed in a roundtable, personalist way-- in the spirit of Peter Maurin. This event is free and open to the public and all are welcome.
  • "In Defense of Others, In Defense of Faith: The Camden 28 Trial and the Vietnam War" with Michelle Nickerson

    September 18, 2024 | 4:30pm CDT
    Ceremonial Courtroom, Corboy Law Center, Water Tower Campus

    Join us for historian Michelle Nickerson's debut of her new book, Spiritual Criminals: How the Camden 28 Put the Vietnam War on Trial . Defendant Kathleen "Cookie" Ridolfi (Emerita, Santa Clara School of Law) and expert witness Joseph Daoust S.J. (Red Cloud School) will give reflections.

    Attendance is free and all are welcome. Registration is required.
  • Power of the Word Conference: La Sapienza, Rome

    September 16-20, 2024
    Dipartimento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali, La Sapienza University, Rome

    The Power of the Word: bringing together scholars in literature, philosophy, theology, ethics and religion in conversation with each other and with creative writers and their works. The Hank Center is proud to sponsor the Power of the Word International Conference VII, which takes place from 16-20 September, 2024, at La Sapienza University, Rome.

    The Hank Center is proud to sponsor this international event.
  • Philip Metres: Seeking Refuge, Writing Home

    September 24, 2024 | 7-8:30PM
    McCormick Lounge, Coffey Hall

    In his recent Fugitive/Refuge, Philip Metres follows the journey of his refugee ancestors—from Lebanon to Mexico to the United States—in a vivid exploration of what it means to long for home. A book-length qasida, the collection draws on both ancient traditions and innovative forms—odes and arabics, sonnets and cut-ups, prayers and documentary voicings—in order to confront the perils of our age: forced migration, climate change, and toxic nationalism.

    This event is free and all are welcome.
  • 2024 Catholic Imagination Conference

    October 31–November 2, 2024
    University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana

    The Hank Center is proud to partner with the University of Notre Dame’s de Nicola Center for the Fifth Biennial Catholic Imagination Conference, "Ever Ancient, Ever New: On Catholic Imagination.” With a particular focus on the literary arts, this conference will explore unique expressions of the Catholic imagination in more than 150 presentations, performances, and discussions across the disciplines including philosophy, theology, ethics, law, history, and the natural and social sciences, as well as the creative domains of film, music, theater, and the visual arts.

    This event is open to the public and all are welcome.
  • Catholic Media Influencer Summit 2024

    November 12, 2024
    University of St. Mary of the Lake | Mundelein, IL

    This summit will gather leading voices in Catholic media and the academy to discuss the challenges of communicating for and about the Church while gathering vital information about the values and practices these influencers are bringing to the digital space. Over four days, participants will hear from expert presenters from a variety of fields and engage with questions surrounding the risks and rewards of digital ministry.

    Closed meeting.
  • American Catholic Philosophical Association, Annual Meeting

    November 14–17, 2024
    InterContinental Chicago Magnificent Mile

    The Hank Center is proud to co-sponsor the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. The conference, hosted by Loyola University Chicago, will be held at the InterContinental Chicago on the Magnificent Mile. This year’s conference -- with the theme “Male and Female He Created Them” -- will focus on questions of gender, though other topics in the Catholic philosophical tradition will also be considered. The program will include keynote addresses, contributed papers, satellite sessions, and posters. For more information, and to register, please visit
  • The Way Forward 2024: Laudato Si’: Protecting Our Common Home, Building Our Common Church

    February 22-23, 2024
    The University of San Diego

    The title for this third annual ecclesial gathering was Laudato Si’: Protecting Our Common Home, Building Our Common Church, and was held at the University of San Diego on February 21 - 23, 2024. This year’s event, which brought together a select group of Cardinals, other Bishops, scholars, and journalists, focused on the encyclical, Laudato Si’, the recent exhortation Laudete Deum, and the reception of their themes in the Catholic Church in the U.S.
  • Poets of Presence Conference

    In-Person Conference and Workshop
    October 27-28
    Loyola University Chicago
    Beane Hall, Lewis Towers, Water Tower Campus

    Keynote Speaker, Christian Wiman
    All aspects of the conference are solely in-person and registration information will be coming soon.
    This event is co-sponsored by Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry and The Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies at Fordham University.
  • 2022 Catholic Studies Symposium

    We were pleased to host the 2022 Catholic Studies Symposium was held at Loyola University Chicago from September 8, 2022 - September 10, 2022. This event welcomed over 50 national scholars, leaders, and directors of centers in Catholic Studies. You can learn more about the prompts for the symposium here.
  • Pope Francis, Vatican II, and the Way Forward

    Along with our friends at Boston College's Boisi Center and Fordham University's Center on Religion and Culture, the Hank Center was pleased to host “Pope Francis, Vatican II, and the Way Forward.” Over two days, a diverse group of conference attendees were provided a forum where bishops, academics, journalists, and others could speak frankly to each other about important issues affecting the Church today-- all of us working and praying together to carry forward the synodal vision of the Second Vatican Council in the pontificate of Pope Francis, and beyond. We were grateful for our time and conversations together, and grateful to our speakers for providing compelling insights and setting the stage for needed dialogue. The meeting was characterized at once as a living expression of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, a practicum in Catholic Social Teaching, and an example of the kind synodality to which the Holy Spirit calls us today. With the strong support of our respective Jesuit institutions, it was a privilege to organize this meeting, the fruits of which might be described in this shorthand: "unity in essentials, diversity in non-essentials, charity in all things."
  • Catholic Conversion Narratives in Modern Aesthetics

    In collaboration with the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), the Hank Center was pleased to host this international and interdisciplinary conference exploring modern conversion narratives.
  • Instant History: The Postwar Digital Humanities and their Legacies

    In 1949, Jesuit scholar Father Roberto Busa began to collaborate with IBM to build a massive lemmatized concordance to the works of St. Thomas Aquinas. Our day-long conference explored several aspects of this legacy of Father Busa’s mid-century humanities computing, including the history of natural language processing and digital text processing, systems of textual markup and the creation of digital scholarly editions, topic modeling, and large-corpora analysis.
  • The Challenge of God: Continental Philosophy and the Catholic Intellectual Heritage

    The Hank Center was pleased to sponsor an international conference on the challenge of God. This three day conference featured keynote addresses from major figures in the disciplines of continental philosophy and Catholic thought, as well as paper presentations and panel discussions from junior and senior scholars in these fields.
  • The Third Annual Chicago Catholic Immigrants Conference: The Poles

    The third installation of the Hank Center's Chicago Catholic Immigrants Conference. In 2015, in conjunction with the Interdisciplinary Program in Polish Studies at Loyola University Chicago, the Hank Center looked at the Polish community in Chicago.
  • “this need to dance / this need to kneel”: The Poetry and Poetic Life of Denise Levertov

    In Fall 2015, the The Hank Center hosted an international conference devoted to the life and work of the poet Denise Levertov (1923-1997). “this need to dance / this need to kneel”: The Poetry and Poetic Life of Denise Levertov took place October 23-24, 2015 on Loyola's Water Tower Campus.
  • Chicago Catholic Immigrants Conference: The Mexicans

    In November 2014 Loyola University Chicago’s Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage (CCIH) launched the second in a series of conferences that focused on the historical, cultural, and religious roles that Roman Catholicism played in sustaining ethnic identity for many immigrant communities who came to Chicago in the 20th century. The 2014 Chicago Catholic Immigrants Conference focused on the the Mexican immigrant community here in Chicago.
  • Crossings and Dwellings: Restored Jesuits, Women Religious, American Experience, 1814-2014

    From 16-18 October 2014, the Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage at Loyola University Chicago hosted a conference marking the bicentennial of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus in 1814.