Loyola University Chicago

Department of English

Graduate Student Teaching

The Writing Center: See the "UCWR 110 Course" page on the Loyola OWL for a general idea of how to construct your syllabus and assignment sheets, conduct peer reviews, and address common writing issues that your students may encounter in the course. Other pages on the Loyola OWL contain plagiarism definitions and citation guides for various styles that you can show your students. Instructors of UCWR 110 or any UCLR course can email the Assistant Director of the Writing Center to request a tutor visit to introduce the Writing Center's resources. Also, students can request that their tutor send a session report to the instructor following a meeting at either of the Writing Center's two locations in LSC and WTC in order to receive credit. 

The Writing Program: On the website of the Writing Program are instructions for how to format a composition paper, LUC grading standards for teachers, and plagiarism. 

Loyola University Libraries: A librarian from the LUC Libraries will be assigned to your course as research support and will visit your section for a brief introduction to the libraries services and its website. Containing hundreds of thousands of volumes, this library has three locations, on LSC, WTC, and in the Rome Center. Besides providing online catalogues of print and digitally accessed books, articles, and media, Interlibrary loan via WorldCat, research guides (a good place to start the research process for the final paper), and databases, librarians can be contacted in person, over the phone, via email, or through the chatbox on the home page to answer any research questions your student may have about a subject or to help locate primary sources for the final Research Paper. 

Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy (FCIP): FCIP offers regular Online Teaching certification courses, which beside fostering discussion on lesson strategies for online learning, also instruct professors in various platforms such as Sakai, LOCUS, Zoom, Voicethread, and Panopto. Further useful information on useful LUC technologies can be found on the Information Technology Services (ITRS) website, which offers an instructional course.

The Loyola Teaching and Learning Community: Supported by FCIP, this group is open to any faculty, staff, or graduate students who teach or develop curriculum. The group meets regularly to discuss scholarly research about teaching and teaching practices and to exchange ideas with colleagues across the university.

Coordinated Assistance & Resource Education (CARE): If a student exhibits worrying behavior that suggests they are under immense stress, may be a threat to others, or need psychological help in some way, it is extremely important to file a report with this LUC university service and also inform the Graduate Program Director about the situation.