Loyola University Chicago

Institute of Pastoral Studies

Accreditation and Membership


The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) http://www.ats.edu/
The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) http://www.luc.edu/accreditation/index.shtml
Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS) http://www.actschicago.org/
Association of Graduate Programs in Ministry
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities http://www.ajcunet.edu/
Catholic Biblical Federation http://www.c-b-f.org/
Catholic Health Association of the United States http://www.chausa.org/
Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership


Illinois Catholic Health Association http://il-cha.org/
National Association for Lay Ministry http://www.nalm.org/
National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry http://www.nfcym.org/
National Association of Community and Restorative Justice 


The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education http://www.acpe.edu/
Adult Spiritual Renewal & Empowerment http://www.asrenewal.org
Archdiocese of Chicago http://www.archchicago.org/
Association for Theological Field Education http://atfe.org/
Catholic Extension https://www.catholicextension.org/
Catholic Migrant Farmworker Network https://cmfnsembrador.org/
Faith In Place http://faithinplace.org
Ignatian Solidarity Network http://ignatiansolidarity.net
Jesuit Volunteer Corps http://jesuitvolunteers.org 
The Industrial Areas Foundation http://www.industrialareasfoundation.org/
The National Association of Diocesan Directors for Hispanic Ministry https://ncaddhm-usa.org/
National Association of Catholic Chaplains http://www.nacc.org
National Association of Diaconate Directors http://www.nadd.org/
Project INSPIRE 2004–2013 http://www.luc.edu/ips/parish-leadership-programs/