Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics and Statistics
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs designed for students with diverse career or higher educational goals. The faculty assists students achieve these goals with up-to-date courses, seminars, and research or internship projects. Our faculty members maintain highly productive research programs which regularly result in publications in leading journals and academic presses. Much of the faculty research is supported by external agencies. The faculty is also actively engaged in modernizing our elementary course offerings both in content and in the use of technology.
News & Stories

CAS Alumni Spotlight: Daniella Pombo
The College of Arts and Sciences at Loyola University Chicago has chosen to spotlight LUC math alumni, Daniella Pombo. Daniella works for IBM where she manages a multimillion-dollar portfolio of clients with a focus on business strategy. Her journey from biology to mathematics to computer science to software engineering to business succeess inspires us. Well done, Daniella!
AWM Distinguished Service Award for Anne Leggett
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics in pleased to announce that the AWM Distinguished Service Award will be presented to our own Anne Leggett, Professor Emerita, Loyola University Chicago. This award is given to individuals who have promoted and supported women in mathematics through exceptional and sustained volunteer service to the AWM. Congratulations, Anne!
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium (Nov 21)
Join the Math & Stat Department for our Colloquium on Thursday, November 21, which will feature a talk by Dr. Albert Cohen (Michigan State Univeristy). His topic will be "A dynamic pythagorean exponent: Applications to baseball and structural modeling in risk management". Refreshments to be served before the talk!