Wellness Program

Empower Health Quarterly Wellness Reward Program
The Wellness Reward Program offers incentives to help you reach optimum health. Earn quarterly Wellness Rewards—bonus money in your paychecks for every quarter that you complete the requirements. In order to receive the Quarterly reward you must be an actively employed, benefits eligible faculty or staff member and register an account via Empower Health Services portal. All quarterly rewards received are taxable. Actively employed faculty and staff will receive their rewards via their paycheck.
The current Wellness Program Year ends August 31, 2024 this is also the deadline to record activities. There will be no exceptions to the deadline as August 31st marks the end of the old program. The 2024-2025 program will begin September 1, 2024.
Single Sign On access to Empower Health
Logging your activities and tracking your health via the Empower portal has gotten easier. Empower Health now allows current employees to log in by using Single Sign On (SSO). Single sign on users can enter their Loyola University User ID (UVID) and their Loyola Password to access their Empower Health Services account. Upon initial log in you will be required to verify some information to verify your identity. Once your account has been verified, you will log in to see your existing data and incentive program. Spouse/LDA's access to their Empower accounts has not changed.
Using Your Empower Health account:
- Visit Empower Health Services
- Returning and New Employees select "Sign in with luc.edu"
- Use your UVID and Password to log into your account.
- Verify Your Information to Validate your Account
- Select "rewards" from the blue navigation bar on your dashboard
- Log Activities
- Select date of activity completion
- Choose the activity you are reporting
- Enter the requested details and click save
Questions? Please email benefits@luc.edu. If you have difficulty logging into your Empower Health account please contact the EHS Customer Support Team at 866.367.6974 or email them at support@empowerhealthservices.com.
My Empowerment Plan Incentive Program 2023-2024
Loyola and Empower Health have created new ways for you to earn the quarterly incentive. My Empowerment Plan allows employees to receive a quarterly $75 wellness reward when they reach a total of 125 points, 250 points, 375 points, and 500 points for a maximum amount of $300 per wellness year. The My Empowerment Program is open to all benefit-eligible employees, even if you do not have health insurance through Loyola. The new wellness year begins September 1, 2024 and will end August 31, 2025. Please be sure to log all of your quarterly wellness activities by the deadline of August 31, 2024. no exceptions will be made.
Continue to check this page for exciting new ways to earn points for the 2024-2025 wellness year.
Ways to Earn Points and Program Deadlines
Participants can *earn points through a variety of actions taken below each 3-month period in order to earn that period's $75 (taxable) reward in your paycheck:
- Annual Assessments*
- Staying Healthy
- Social Engagement
- Self-Care & Mindfulness
- Active Lifestyle
- Balanced Nutrition
- Money Management
- Quarterly Challenges*
All points earned in a *single period must be recorded on the Empower Health website by the following dates below:
Wellness Year September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025
- Deadline 1
Earn at least 125 pts from September 1 - November 30, 2024 - Deadline 2
Earn at least 125 pts from December 1 - February 28, 2025 - Deadline 3
Earn at least 125 pts from March 1 - May 31, 2025 - Deadline 4
Earn at least 125 pts from June 1 - August 31, 2025
*Wellness Program participants are not allowed to add activities completed during a different period to the current period's point(s) total.
- For example, if a participant takes part in a Wellness Challenge during February (worth 50 points), they cannot enter the Wellness Challenge information during the month of April, since April is part of a different period.
Please log all activities no later than August 31, 2024 for this current wellness year. No exceptions will be made.
How to Receive the Periodic $75 Reward
Benefit-eligible employees have the opportunity to earn the periodic $75 (taxable) reward in your paycheck. To receive the reward you must:
- Be a benefit-eligible employee
- Register with Empower Health
- Create new account:
- Visit empower.health (it is not necessary to enter .com at the end)
- Complete "New User" fields and enter client code: loyolaehs
- Enter verification code that you receive via email
- Please let us know if you have any questions.
- Create new account:
- You must earn 125 points each period from actions taken for good health in order to receive the reward. These points must be logged during the period in which the activity took place. See "Recording Points - Due Dates" section.
- Wellness rewards are taxable income
Faculty and staff must log in to the empower.health website and enter completed activities to earn points for wellness rewards.
What is Empower Health?
Empower Health is our corporate wellness program provider. Empower Health administers Loyola's wellness program and our annual Biometric Screenings and flu shots for faculty and staff members during annual Open Enrollment.
Eligible EMERGE Courses
The following courses are some examples of eligible EMERGE classes participants can complete in order to accumulate Wellness Program points:
- Appreciating Diversity
- Biometric Results - Next Steps
- Money Matters
- Pay Yourself First
- Project Management - Introduction
- Responsible Communication
For an exhaustive list, please visit the EMERGE course registration website.
Preventive Care Services
Earn points when you receive preventive care services, such as:
- Annual physicals
- Immunizations
- Breast exams/mammograms
- Colonoscopy
- Prostate exams
- STI testing
- Smoking cessation
- Obesity screening and counseling
- Pap smears
- Domestic violence screening and counseling
- Screenings for diabetes and other lab procedures
Preventive care services are covered at 100% when employees are enrolled in a Loyola medical plan option and are covered 100% when using an in-network Aetna physician.
- Please keep in mind that if any diagnoses are made during the wellness exam, the wellness exam is no longer covered at 100%
- For more information on wellness exams and exams covered at 100%, please review the Benefits Booklet located in the Resources section (upper right) or contact Aetna
Empower Health can be reached at 866-367-6974 or at support@empowerhealthservices.com
Empower Health Quarterly Wellness Reward Program
The Wellness Reward Program offers incentives to help you reach optimum health. Earn quarterly Wellness Rewards—bonus money in your paychecks for every quarter that you complete the requirements. In order to receive the Quarterly reward you must be an actively employed, benefits eligible faculty or staff member and register an account via Empower Health Services portal. All quarterly rewards received are taxable. Actively employed faculty and staff will receive their rewards via their paycheck.
The current Wellness Program Year ends August 31, 2024 this is also the deadline to record activities. There will be no exceptions to the deadline as August 31st marks the end of the old program. The 2024-2025 program will begin September 1, 2024.
Single Sign On access to Empower Health
Logging your activities and tracking your health via the Empower portal has gotten easier. Empower Health now allows current employees to log in by using Single Sign On (SSO). Single sign on users can enter their Loyola University User ID (UVID) and their Loyola Password to access their Empower Health Services account. Upon initial log in you will be required to verify some information to verify your identity. Once your account has been verified, you will log in to see your existing data and incentive program. Spouse/LDA's access to their Empower accounts has not changed.
Using Your Empower Health account:
- Visit Empower Health Services
- Returning and New Employees select "Sign in with luc.edu"
- Use your UVID and Password to log into your account.
- Verify Your Information to Validate your Account
- Select "rewards" from the blue navigation bar on your dashboard
- Log Activities
- Select date of activity completion
- Choose the activity you are reporting
- Enter the requested details and click save
Questions? Please email benefits@luc.edu. If you have difficulty logging into your Empower Health account please contact the EHS Customer Support Team at 866.367.6974 or email them at support@empowerhealthservices.com.
My Empowerment Plan Incentive Program 2023-2024
Loyola and Empower Health have created new ways for you to earn the quarterly incentive. My Empowerment Plan allows employees to receive a quarterly $75 wellness reward when they reach a total of 125 points, 250 points, 375 points, and 500 points for a maximum amount of $300 per wellness year. The My Empowerment Program is open to all benefit-eligible employees, even if you do not have health insurance through Loyola. The new wellness year begins September 1, 2024 and will end August 31, 2025. Please be sure to log all of your quarterly wellness activities by the deadline of August 31, 2024. no exceptions will be made.
Continue to check this page for exciting new ways to earn points for the 2024-2025 wellness year.