
Faculty and Administration Profiles

Stephen Rushin

Title/s:  Associate Dean of Faculty Research and Development, and Judge Hubert Louis Will Professor of Law

Office #:  Corboy 1311

Phone: 312.915.7691

Email: srushin1@luc.edu

CV Link: Rushin CV

External Webpage: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1630706


Professor Rushin teaches Criminal Law, Evidence, and Police Accountability. His research interests include policing, criminal procedure, and criminal sentencing. His work has recently appeared in the Stanford Law Review, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, the California Law Review, the Cornell Law Review, the Duke Law Journal, the Vanderbilt Law Review, the Texas Law Review, the Iowa Law Review, the Minnesota Law Review, the George Washington Law Review, the Fordham Law Review, the Boston College Law Review, and the Florida Law Review, among other journals. Cambridge University Press published his book, “Federal Intervention in American Police Departments,” in 2017.

He has served in a variety of advisory roles related to his expertise in criminal justice policy and social science, including a previous gubernatorial appointment as the academic advisor to the Illinois Racial Profiling Prevention and Data Oversight Board between 2020 and 2022.

Professor Rushin has won multiple teaching awards, including “Professor of the Year” in 2020. Before joining Loyola in 2017, he taught at the University of Alabama School of Law and the University of Illinois College of Law.


BA, Texas, 2008
JD, Berkeley, 2011
PhD, Berkeley, 2015

Program Areas

Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Civil Rights
Empirical Legal Studies

Courses Taught

Criminal Law
Police Accountability

Selected Publications

Professor Stephen Rushin’s SSRN webpage 

Selected Publications

The Effect of Police Quota Laws, 109 Iowa Law Review 2127 (with Edwards)

The Law Enforcement Lobby, 106 Minnesota Law Review 1965 (with Robinson)

An Empirical Assessment of Pretextual Stops and Racial Profiling, 73 Stanford Law Review 637 (2021) (with Edwards)

Police Arbitration, 74 Vanderbilt Law Review 1023 (2021)

State Attorneys General as Agents of Police Reform, 69 Duke Law Journal 999 (2020) (with Mazzone)

Police Funding, 71 Florida Law Review 277 (2020) (with Michalski)

Police Disciplinary Appeals, 167 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 545 (2019)

The Effects of Voluntary and Presumptive Sentencing Guidelines, 98 Texas Law Review 1 (2019) (with Edwards & Colquitt)