
Law School Computing Services


Student lab advisors

The Lab Advisors will be available in the Law School Computer Center to assist students with the basics of using the Law School systems, such as connecting to the wireless network or printers and to troubleshoot problems with lab computers and printers. If you need assistance they will be glad to help you.

LSCS location

The Law School Computing Services (LSCS) offices are located in room 403 inside the Law Library. The two Law School Computers Centers are located on the 4th floor inside the Law Library. The Law School Computer Center is available for students to use on the same schedule as the Law Library hours.

Contact LSCS

By email at LSCS-INFO@luc.edu and by phone from a campus phone at ext. 5-7192. Students are always welcome to come to the LSCS office for assistance and will be helped if a staff member is available. Of course appointments can always be scheduled by contacting the LSCS office.

Lexis contact information

Law students have access to Lexis through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Lexis student representatives, law students can sign in to www.lexisnexis.com/lawschool. Once a student clicks on the Lexis home page, they can click the picture of the rep and his or her hours and location will be displayed.

Westlaw contact information

Law students have access to Westlaw through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Bloomberg Law student representatives, law students can sign in to http://lawschool.westlaw.com/.

Bloomberg contact information

Law students have access to Bloomberg Law through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Bloomberg Law student representatives, law students can sign in to http://www.bloomberglaw.com/.

Change your password

Password Self-Service – You can use the Password Self-Service to reset your own password. See First Time Password Setup for an explanation of how to setup and use the Password Self-Service.


Helpful documents

Managing Your Loyola UVID Password – Explains how to reset your password and unlock accounts.

Temporary Network Space - Explains how to use temporary network space for students.

Using the Law School Wireless Network - Explains how to configure your laptop to use the Law School’s wireless network and printing services in the library.

Using the Outlook Web-Based Client - Explains how to access your Loyola email account from off campus.

Setting up rules in Outlook - Explains how to setup rules in your email mailbox. This could be used to forward your Loyola mail to another mail account.

Owning and Managing Shared Email Accounts‌ – Describes the responsibilities of the owner of a shared email account.

Accessing and Using Shared Email Accounts in Outlook – Gives instructions to shared email account owners and authorized users on: how to set up and use the account on the Windows and Macintosh Outlook Desktop Clients; how to use the account via the Outlook web page from a web browser on any computer; how to use a shared account on a mobile device; and issues to be aware of when using a shared account.

Recommended Specifications for purchasing a new laptop - Provides recommended guidelines for purchasing a new laptop.

What should I do if I have forgotten my Loyola password?

If you cannot reset your Loyola password using Password Self-Service, please call the ITS Service Desk at 773.508.4487. The ITS Service Desk will be able to assist you with resetting your password over the phone.

How do I connect my laptop to Loyola's wireless network?

Refer to User Memo No. 53 entitled "Using the Law School Wireless Network" If you are a new, visiting, or transfer student, you received a copy of this user memo in your orientation folder from Law School Computing Services. It will show you step-by-step how to configure your laptop to use the wireless Internet at the Law School and the printer in the Law Library.

Where can I find a Lexis or Westlaw representative?

The schedules and locations for student representatives for Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law will be posted on the home pages for each of those services.

What are the hours for the computer labs?

The Law School Computer Center's computer labs are open for use whenever the Law Library is open and whenever there is not a class in session. Both labs will never be reserved for classes at the same time. There are also MARC terminals located on the 3rd floor between the Circulation and Reference Desks and on the 4th and 5th floors near the stairs. Refer to the Lab Closings calendar posted near the door of each computer lab, above the Network Printers, and in the 4th floor elevator lobby for this month's computer lab closings.


Student lab advisors

The Lab Advisors will be available in the Law School Computer Center to assist students with the basics of using the Law School systems, such as connecting to the wireless network or printers and to troubleshoot problems with lab computers and printers. If you need assistance they will be glad to help you.

LSCS location

The Law School Computing Services (LSCS) offices are located in room 403 inside the Law Library. The two Law School Computers Centers are located on the 4th floor inside the Law Library. The Law School Computer Center is available for students to use on the same schedule as the Law Library hours.

Contact LSCS

By email at LSCS-INFO@luc.edu and by phone from a campus phone at ext. 5-7192. Students are always welcome to come to the LSCS office for assistance and will be helped if a staff member is available. Of course appointments can always be scheduled by contacting the LSCS office.

Lexis contact information

Law students have access to Lexis through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Lexis student representatives, law students can sign in to www.lexisnexis.com/lawschool. Once a student clicks on the Lexis home page, they can click the picture of the rep and his or her hours and location will be displayed.

Westlaw contact information

Law students have access to Westlaw through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Bloomberg Law student representatives, law students can sign in to http://lawschool.westlaw.com/.

Bloomberg contact information

Law students have access to Bloomberg Law through the Law Library’s subscription. To find hours and locations of the Bloomberg Law student representatives, law students can sign in to http://www.bloomberglaw.com/.

Change your password

Password Self-Service – You can use the Password Self-Service to reset your own password. See First Time Password Setup for an explanation of how to setup and use the Password Self-Service.