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First Generation Law Students (FGLS)

First Generation Law Students

First Generation Law Students (FGLS) is a newly chartered organization at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law which exists to create an academic and social support network to help students succeed in law school. The organization aims at providing programming around academic, professional, and personal support to students who are the first in their family to attend law school. Starting law school, as exciting as it may be, can bring out feelings of anxiety and imposter syndrome. As an organization, we believe it is imperative that our members know they are not alone, and that there is a community of individuals eager to support them through this journey.

Programming and Opportunities
- Weekly Office Hours on Thursdays 12-2PM
- 1L Workshops (Outlining, Case Briefing, Cover Letter Writing, etc)
- Attorney Mentorships
- Peer Mentorships
- Year-Round Career Seminar Series
- Community Engagement
- Networking Partnerships

How to Join FGLS
Fill out our interest form so you can be added to our email updates on opportunities and events throughout the year (we do not spam): https://tinyurl.com/FGLSInterestForm

Also make sure to add our page on Sakai and TWEN so you can access all our files. If you have any questions about accessing the form, joining FGLS, or any difficulties relating, please contact the President of Internal Affairs, Abigail Magat (amagat1@luc.edu)

You can also access hour monthly calendar and Connections Database through this link (anyone listed is happy to connect, including our Executive Board): https://tinyurl.com/FGLSCalendarandDatabase

2023-2024 Executive Board
President of Internal Affairs: Anokhi Manchanda, amanchanda@luc.edu
President of External Affairs: Lety Covarrubias, lcovarrubias1@luc.edu
Director of Finance: Giana Cacciato, gcacciato@luc.edu
Director of Communications: Rama Izar, rizar1@luc.edu
Director of Career and Admissions: Brandon Mendelsohn, bmendelsohn1@luc.edu

First Generation Law Students

First Generation Law Students (FGLS) is a newly chartered organization at the Loyola University Chicago School of Law which exists to create an academic and social support network to help students succeed in law school. The organization aims at providing programming around academic, professional, and personal support to students who are the first in their family to attend law school. Starting law school, as exciting as it may be, can bring out feelings of anxiety and imposter syndrome. As an organization, we believe it is imperative that our members know they are not alone, and that there is a community of individuals eager to support them through this journey.

Programming and Opportunities
- Weekly Office Hours on Thursdays 12-2PM
- 1L Workshops (Outlining, Case Briefing, Cover Letter Writing, etc)
- Attorney Mentorships
- Peer Mentorships
- Year-Round Career Seminar Series
- Community Engagement
- Networking Partnerships

How to Join FGLS
Fill out our interest form so you can be added to our email updates on opportunities and events throughout the year (we do not spam): https://tinyurl.com/FGLSInterestForm

Also make sure to add our page on Sakai and TWEN so you can access all our files. If you have any questions about accessing the form, joining FGLS, or any difficulties relating, please contact the President of Internal Affairs, Abigail Magat (amagat1@luc.edu)

You can also access hour monthly calendar and Connections Database through this link (anyone listed is happy to connect, including our Executive Board): https://tinyurl.com/FGLSCalendarandDatabase

2023-2024 Executive Board
President of Internal Affairs: Anokhi Manchanda, amanchanda@luc.edu
President of External Affairs: Lety Covarrubias, lcovarrubias1@luc.edu
Director of Finance: Giana Cacciato, gcacciato@luc.edu
Director of Communications: Rama Izar, rizar1@luc.edu
Director of Career and Admissions: Brandon Mendelsohn, bmendelsohn1@luc.edu