
Children's Rights in the Time of COVID-19

Center for the Human Rights of Children Symposium

The Center for the Human Rights of Children (CHRC) at Loyola University Chicago School of Law is pleased to present the Fall 2020 Symposium: Children’s Rights in the Time of COVID-19. This virtual Symposium explores the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of children’s rights.  As an interdisciplinary center committed to protecting and advancing the human rights of children, the CHRC strives to honor and advance the principles derived from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)—supporting the proposition that the rights of children are intersectional, multi-disciplinary and must be considered as a whole. 

The Symposium examines the impact of COVID on several inherent rights of children including the right to safety: life, survival and development, the right to education, the right to participation and to be heard, and the right to play.  In doing so, we hope to illustrate the intersectional nature of the pandemic and other systemic issues affecting children, including—especially—racism and a child’s right to enjoy these norms free from discrimination, but also including the intersectional nature of poverty, access to health care, and a child’s migration status.   It is our goal to center the rights of children as an intentional, informative framework for a post-pandemic world. The policy recommendations and advocacy efforts contained in the essays and presentations below will help to provide a framework for recovery that can produce an equitable, sustainable, and just future for all children.

Center for the Human Rights of Children Symposium

The Center for the Human Rights of Children (CHRC) at Loyola University Chicago School of Law is pleased to present the Fall 2020 Symposium: Children’s Rights in the Time of COVID-19. This virtual Symposium explores the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of children’s rights.  As an interdisciplinary center committed to protecting and advancing the human rights of children, the CHRC strives to honor and advance the principles derived from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)—supporting the proposition that the rights of children are intersectional, multi-disciplinary and must be considered as a whole. 

The Symposium examines the impact of COVID on several inherent rights of children including the right to safety: life, survival and development, the right to education, the right to participation and to be heard, and the right to play.  In doing so, we hope to illustrate the intersectional nature of the pandemic and other systemic issues affecting children, including—especially—racism and a child’s right to enjoy these norms free from discrimination, but also including the intersectional nature of poverty, access to health care, and a child’s migration status.   It is our goal to center the rights of children as an intentional, informative framework for a post-pandemic world. The policy recommendations and advocacy efforts contained in the essays and presentations below will help to provide a framework for recovery that can produce an equitable, sustainable, and just future for all children.