Onboarding For New Staff & Faculty
Welcome to Loyola from Information Technology Services (ITS)! We want to help get you up and running as a new member of the Loyola community. Please use this list to ensure you have everything you need from ITS.
Questions or difficulties along the way? Contact the ITS Service Desk luc.edu/itsserviceportal | x8-4-ITS (773-508-4487) | ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu
University ID (UVID)
All Loyola employees have several identifiers, but we want you to focus on your University ID (UVID), sometimes just called your username, which is your first initial + last name + a number, if needed for differentiation, i.e., John Smith may be jsmith24. You will receive your UVID during your department onboarding and will use it to log in to nearly every IT service provided by the University. If an application asks for your username, it is almost always your UVID, so try that first. Some departments, such as the Registrar and Bursar, may identify you by the number printed on your ID badge, but you will not use that as an ITS login.
When your UVID is created, it is set with a temporary password. This temporary password will only work to give you access to Password Self- Service system. Follow the instructions at First Time Setup page to set a new password of your choosing.
What Makes A Good Password?
A long password is a strong password. We recommend you use a passphrase rather than a short collection of strange characters. You can use a short quote, a song lyric, or even just a random collection of words from the dictionary. Choose a phrase that others won’t guess you would use. Loyola’s system requires that you use between eight and 20 characters, a number, a symbol, and at least one of each letter case, so make sure your passphrase meets these criteria. An example might be MaryHad2LittleLambs!
Password Changes
If you run into issues with your password, you can always unlock your account or reset your password at luc.edu/password. When you reset your password, you will need to update the password on any devices you use with your Loyola accounts (for example, browsers, email, or Wi-Fi on your work computer, work laptop, personal laptop, mobile phone or tablet, or home computer) to avoid being locked out by submitting your outdated password. All general use passwords that meet the required complexity will be set to never expire.
MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) protects you even if your Loyola password becomes compromised. Using MFA means that users can download the Microsoft Authenticator application to your phone, receive a phone call, or a text message to securely sign-in to online resources. Your Loyola UVID and password plus one of the authentication methods is used to verify your identity and protect the community from data breaches. Configuring MFA is mandatory to enable stronger security and enable access to other resources such as Loyola Secure Access (LSA) or using Remote Desktop to connect to your office workstation. MFA is used when logging into email, employee self-service, SharePoint, OneDrive, and all installed Microsoft O365 applications including MS Office.
Services & Access You Automatically Receive
Loyola uses Microsoft 365 to host faculty and staff email accounts. Your email address is yourUVID@luc.edu; it is accessible from:
- Outlook (installed program) on a university computer ·
- Outlook Web Access, at outlook.luc.edu
- Your mobile device, by adding an "Exchange" account to your mail client; use your Loyola credentials to log in.
For setup instructions and more information on using Loyola’s email, visit luc.edu/itsserviceportal, click “Find Answers,” and search for email.
Loyola Secure Tranfser. Loyola's mail system does not allow for sending or receiving large attachments or ZIP files. Instead use Loyola Secure Transfer at securetransfer.luc.edu.
You can request or share files with others inside or outside the University in an easy, fast, and secure way that gives you total control over file access; you can limit available time, audience, and number of downloads. Best of all, the files don’t take up space in your email account
Setting Up Workstations
When onboarding new faculty or staff members, the goal is to ensure a smooth transition into their roles. Typically, incoming employees assume positions previously occupied by others who have either transitioned to different roles or departed from the university. In most scenarios, the computer workstation linked to the role remains intact. To enhance the experience for the new employee, it's advisable to reimage workstations between users. This procedure entails erasing all data and applications, restoring the workstation to its original configuration. However, reimaging may not be appropriate if there are specific applications or customizations in place.
In cases where an entirely new position is created, there might not be an existing workstation available. In such instances, it becomes the responsibility of the hiring department to acquire a new workstation for the newly established role. Information regarding technology purchases, including standard configurations for desktop and laptop workstations, can be accessed here.
Loyola Web Directory (LWD)
Display name and contact info. The Loyola Web Directory, also known as the Faculty and Staff Directory, manages contact information for full-time faculty and staff. (Contractors and part-time faculty and staff do not have entries in the Web Directory.) Your entry is initially set to your department’s default values for location and phone, so please use Update Your Directory Entry on the Directory’s home page to keep your entry current. The Outlook Global Address Book and your Outlook contact card will display the information saved in the Web Directory.
Several Wi-fi networks appear on our five Chicagoland area campuses, but please connect your wireless devices only to LUC, our private, secure Wi-Fi network. Authenticate using your UVID and password when prompted. Do not attempt to connect to any other Loyola networks; LUC-Guest is available for the exclusive use of non-Loyola individuals, and LUC-TV-Printer-Games-Misc is a special network for non-802.1x compliant devices. Learn more about Loyola's Network Registration system, NetReg.
Depending on your role, you will have one of several models of a phone at your desk, but all phones have similar functionality. You will be assigned a five-digit extension.
The first digit indicates the campus:
- 5 for Water Tower Campus
- 6 or 7 for Health Sciences Campus
- 8 for Lake Shore Campus or Loyola University Retreat and Ecology Campus.
- Cuneo Mansion is not on our campus phone network and cannot use 5-digit dialing.
When placing an on-campus call, the system allows you to dial the five-digit extension. To call outside the University, first press 9, then 1, then dial the 10-digit phone number. Long-distance calls will prompt you, via 3 short beeps, for a long-distance code; you may request a code at luc.edu/itsserviceportal.
For more detailed information about using the phone system, voicemail operation and conference calling options, visit Telecommunications.
You may request all other phone configurations including changing the display of your name when placing calls, enabling voicemail, programming the phone’s customizable buttons, and moving an extension from one location to another. See the Phone category of services available at luc.edu/itsserviceportal.
Video Conferencing & Chat
Zoom is Loyola’s preferred video conferencing application. Easy-to-use, anyone inside or outside the University can participate in a Zoom call by computer, phone, or mobile app. Make sure to use the Sign in with SSO option to sign into the luc.zoom.us network.
Microsoft Teams is Loyola’s chat and collaboration platform designed to simplify group work and consolidate several Microsoft365 services and offerings. Teams bring together chat, files, people, and tools in one place.
Network printers are shared by departments or workgroups. On a University PC, please follow the step by step instructions here. Network printers can be added to a MacOS device via the ip address. Full instructions are available here. Ask your colleagues or supervisor which printers your office uses.
Individual File Storage
Loyola’s preferred cloud storage service is Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive for Business, accessed at portal.office.com. Each individual’s* OneDrive account is a 5TB web-based repository for personal documents. You can also share and collaborate on documents with your colleagues using OneDrive.
Instructions and documentation are available at https://www.luc.edu/its/services/microsoft365/sharepoint/
Loyola maintains a Cloud Computing Policy regarding data classification (particularly data with personally identifiable information) and how different types of data may be stored. Please ensure you are not uploading sensitive or protected data inappropriately.
“Contractors are not licensed for OneDrive”
Loyola Secure Access
Loyola Secure Access (LSA) is Loyola's virtual private network (VPN) system. When used off-campus, it creates a secure connection to the University network and allows users to access Loyola resources otherwise unavailable on the public internet. Setup and connection instructions are at luc.edu/lsa. Use it to:
- Connect to your on-campus computer using Remote Desktop Connection.
- Access data stored on shared network drives while off-campus.
- Log into web-based systems that host sensitive University information such as DocFinity, Lawson Financial, Terminal Four (T4), and Business Intelligence reporting (WebFocus).
- Protect your internet traffic when using public Wi-Fi such as in a hotel or coffee shop.
Learning Management System (LMS)
Sakai (sakai.luc.edu) is the University’s LMS. Staff will not have courses available unless they are registered as a student, added to a course site, or registered for training. Faculty will see course sites added when they are listed as the instructor of record for a course in LOCUS. Sakai authentication uses the same credentials as your Loyola Universal ID, requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Access That Must Be Requested
Shared Department File Storage
Shared network drives are hosted locally on university servers. Many departments use these extensively for storage of documents and data that multiple individuals must access regularly, or for secure data that cannot be stored in the cloud. With departmental approval, you may request access to shared network drives via https://www.luc.edu/itsserviceportal. You must be connected to LSA in order to view and work with shared network drives while off-campus.
SharePoint also offers shared file storage but can be accessed anywhere at any time by logging into portal.office.com and can be synced locally to your computer using the OneDrive client. The owner of a SharePoint site can add access for you. Instructions for doing so, and general information about using SharePoint is available at https://www.luc.edu/its/services/microsoft365/sharepoint/.
Shared Mailboxes & Calendars
Owners can request to designate faculty and staff as delegates for a shared mailbox through luc.edu/itsserviceportal.
Once added, delegates will have automatic access to view the mailbox and its calendar within Outlook, enabling them to send and receive emails either on their own behalf or on behalf of the shared mailbox.
Computer Administrative Access
You may request administrative access on your computer via luc.edu/itsserviceportal in order to install software and printers. Many software options, including Adobe Acrobat and Creative Suite, are available for self-installation via Software Center in the Windows Start menu.
Note that most Loyola-owned computers have a white sticker with a barcode and a six-digit number; this is the primary identifier for your workstation and ITS will always need it to help with computer issues. The sticker is located on the computer itself, not the monitor, or on the underside of a laptop. (If your computer is Loyola-owned and does not have a barcode, please contact the Service Desk.)
Specialized Applications
Some positions at the University use specialized software applications to manage data and processes. With appropriate approval, you may request access needed for your role.
- Advance, used by the division of Advancement to manage development: request via luc.edu/itsserviceportal
- DocFinity, used University-wide to manage paperless document storage: email requests to ecmrequest@luc.edu
- Slate, used by Admissions to manage applications to the University: request undergrad access or grad access
- Terminal Four (T4), the University’s web content management system: request via luc.edu/itsserviceportal
- WebFocus & PowerBI, University-wide reporting and data delivery systems: request via luc.edu/itsserviceportal
- Statistical Applications : request via luc.edu/itsserviceportal
Student Information System: LOCUS
LOCUS (locus.luc.edu) is the central repository for all records about a student during their time at Loyola, including academic records, housing data, and financial information. With appropriate approval you may request specific access using the form at luc.edu/locusaccess. Faculty will gain access when they are listed as the instructor of record for a course.
A Short List of Helpful ITS Offerings
Learning Technologies Drop-In Support
Learning Technologies & Innovation offers instructional design and technology consultations Monday through Friday. An appointment is required. To schedule a specific date and time, please their the Consultation booking page. You will receive a Zoom meeting invitation upon scheduling.
Classroom Technology Services
Classroom Technology Services (CTS) provides classroom assistance at the Lake Shore, Water Tower and Health Science campuses during teaching times and offers consultation on classroom technology needs. CTS also provides event support primarily for internal Loyola events in conjunction with Campus Reservations and Conference Services.
- To schedule advanced support for a class or event, submit a request via luc.edu/itsserviceportal
- For support during an event already taking place, call the Service Desk at 773-508-4487 for immediate assistance. Please note that support hours are based on the academic calendar, and in-person assistance may not always be available.
Office Apps For Personal Devices
All Loyola faculty and staff* can download and activate up to 5 installations of Office software on personal devices (do not attempt to do this on a Loyola computer!) by using the Install Office apps button at the top right of the page when you log into portal.office.com
* Contractors are not licensed for Office apps on personal devices
Equipment Loan
Faculty and staff can check out A/V and tech equipment on all campuses using Digital Media Services’ Equipment Loan program.
Self-Paced On-Demand Learning
Loyola has partnered with Learning Cloud to provide online training on a wide range of technology and workplace topics. All learning is self-paced and available 24/7. Learning cloud content is structured as brief (one-to- two- minute) videos, so you can quickly and easily find a how-to for a specific need, or you can complete a whole course of videos in sequence. Example subjects available include:
- Application training for products like Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite
- Professional skill development such as time management and decision-making
- Instructional strategies and standards
Have an Unanswered Question? Need Some Help?
The ITS Service Desk is here for you 24/7 on the web at luc.edu/itsserviceportal with a constantly improving knowledge base! The Service Desk is also available by phone at x8-4-ITS (773-508-4487 off-campus) or by email at ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu.
Service Desk hours vary based on the academic calendar and may not be always staffed. See luc.edu/its/service/support_hours.shtml for current hours.
Welcome to Loyola from Information Technology Services (ITS)! We want to help get you up and running as a new member of the Loyola community. Please use this list to ensure you have everything you need from ITS.
Questions or difficulties along the way? Contact the ITS Service Desk luc.edu/itsserviceportal | x8-4-ITS (773-508-4487) | ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu
University ID (UVID)
All Loyola employees have several identifiers, but we want you to focus on your University ID (UVID), sometimes just called your username, which is your first initial + last name + a number, if needed for differentiation, i.e., John Smith may be jsmith24. You will receive your UVID during your department onboarding and will use it to log in to nearly every IT service provided by the University. If an application asks for your username, it is almost always your UVID, so try that first. Some departments, such as the Registrar and Bursar, may identify you by the number printed on your ID badge, but you will not use that as an ITS login.
When your UVID is created, it is set with a temporary password. This temporary password will only work to give you access to Password Self- Service system. Follow the instructions at First Time Setup page to set a new password of your choosing.
Have an Unanswered Question? Need Some Help?
The ITS Service Desk is here for you 24/7 on the web at luc.edu/itsserviceportal with a constantly improving knowledge base! The Service Desk is also available by phone at x8-4-ITS (773-508-4487 off-campus) or by email at ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu.
Service Desk hours vary based on the academic calendar and may not be always staffed. See luc.edu/its/service/support_hours.shtml for current hours.